
Political & Public Opinion Polling Data Collection Experts

The benefits of telephone political polling

Historically it has always been a trade-off between price and quality when selecting a polling methodology. Until now ...

TKW Research Group is proud to offer a cost competitive solution to telephone polling, so you no longer have to pick between price and quality – you can now have both.

Globally, telephone political polling remains the GOLD STANDARD for accuracy and reliability compared to online, IVR, and text message polling. Telephone polling has been used for decades and has consistently demonstrated its accuracy in predicting election outcomes and reflecting public opinion. This superiority stems from several factors:

Higher Response Rate
Telephone surveys offer higher response rates, ensuring a more representative sample of the population by capturing a broader range of opinions, mitigating bias.
Trust & Security
Unlike online, mobile and IVR polls, telephone polling fosters trust through human connection, identity verification, and the ability to clarify misunderstandings.
Clearer Responses
Live interviewers can ask follow-up questions and clarify responses, reducing misunderstandings and improving data quality.
Representative Sampling
Telephone surveys are less susceptible to self-selection bias, a common issue with online polls where respondents actively choose to participate.
Increased Accuracy
Telephone polling allows for easier weighting of responses to match the demographics of the target population, further enhancing accuracy.
Controlled Collection
Telephone interviews provide a more controlled environment for collecting data, leading to improved data quality and consistency, minimising the risk of errors.

Associations and Accreditation


Cost Effective Live Phone Polling - From Fiji

Fiji is becoming an increasingly popular destination for outsourcing solutions and in this instance was chosen as an ideal fit to source the team due to the following reasons:
Cost Effective
Rent, prices, salaries and the cost of living are all more affordable in Fiji and our clients can save 40-50% or more on the cost of polling from the UK.
Highly Skilled Workforce
The Fijian people are some of the most formally educated in the world. The country has a literacy rate of 99% and a prolific education system, creating a talent pool rich in skill. Market research positions are seen as high-status, secure roles that are coveted by highly-skilled individuals, meaning there is no skills and people shortage.
Highly Educated Workforce
A large proportion of interviewer positions are filled by university graduates, reflecting the high standard of the hiring system for these job roles. This creates a highly intelligent, capable workforce that gives companies the reassurance they need to feel confident in their operations here.
What’s more, TKW Research ensures our staff are constantly trained and refreshed in the latest trends and technologies as the polling world evolves. Since almost 50% of Fijians are 27 or under, new technologies are easy to grasp for our interviewers.
English Speakers
English is the lingua franca. Fijians learn English all throughout school and further education, and speak with a neutral English accent – perfect for market research roles as they can be easily understood.
Cultural Affinity
Our Fijian interviewers are also very familiar with UK culture, given the extreme popularity of Fiji as a tourist destination. A very large percentage of their tourists come from the UK, and there are many other shared cultural touchpoints such as a love of rugby!
Fiji boasts a very modern telecommunications and digital infrastructure. Internet connection speeds are fast and reliable, and most office buildings have backup power to ensure operations never cease.
State-of-the-art CATI
Our company uses the latest CATI software to provide us with real-time analytics and data insights, improving the productivity and efficiency of the polling campaigns we undertake.

Ask us about your next poll or survey

Speak to one of our polling experts to find out how quickly we can complete your study and get a competitive quote.

TKW Research Group’s Polling Solutions

With over 300 CATI seats available, TKW Research Group has one of the largest live phone polling capabilities in the global market.

We work with pollsters, sponsor organisations, and vendors to conduct all types of political opinion polls and surveys using a variety of data collection and sampling methodologies.

Live Phone Polls:
Gauging public opinion with live conversations for polls or in-depth surveys.
Random Digit Dial (RDD) Polling:
Reaching a representative sample of the public through random phone numbers.
Registration Based Sampling (RBS) Polling:
Targeting voters using voter registration lists by district.
Tracking Polls:
Capturing changes in public sentiment over time.
Horse Race Polls:
Predicting election winners based on current support.
Issue Surveys:
Measuring the public’s stance on specific policies or concerns.
Voter Identification Polls:
Pinpointing likely voters and their current voting preferences.
Academic Research Surveys:
Gathering quantitative and qualitative data for in-depth scholarly analysis.
Voter Approval Polls:
Tracking the public's opinion of leaders and public bodies over time.
Panel Surveys:
Polling the same individuals repeatedly for longitudinal insights.

“I highly recommend TKW Research Group for their exceptional expertise in political telephone polling in the Australian market. Their team’s profound understanding of polling requirements, innovative methodologies and cost-saving approaches, along with their large capability enabling fast turnaround times, and their commitment to accuracy make them a standout choice. TKW Research Group’s ability to adapt to evolving political landscapes, coupled with their dedication to client satisfaction, positions them as the leader for a reliable and valuable partner for any organisation seeking insightful polling services.”

Polling Company


You Can Be Confident With Our Experts

If you’re going to entrust data collection for your important studies to anyone, it had better be someone with a long track record of delivering results. Our experienced, specialist CATI team is second-to-none.

Get In Touch

If you would like to know more about TKW Research Group’s live phone polling solutions, or you have a project you would like pricing for, please fill in the form below and we’ll come to back to you.
