TKW Health

Dedicated specialist healthcare research division of TKW Research

TKW Health

Dedicated specialist healthcare research division of TKW Research

TKW Research has the largest capability for CATI interviewing in Australia and New Zealand. In 2019, the TKW Research acquired Field Works Market Research and merged it into their existing operations.

Strengthening the size and scope of CATI services we can offer our clients. Field Works Market Research was established in 1997 and facilitates many large CATI tracking studies, some of which have spanned well over a decade.

TKW Research use Voxco a Canadian software package for its CATI work and has recently upgraded for its CATI work and is always working with the most current upgraded version of the software making it one of the more advanced operations of its type in Australia. Some of its advantages include:

  • Powerful survey design – Easy-to-script dynamic questions, filters, conditions, loops, rotations, validations, and more.
  • Refined sample assignment – Connect the right sample with the right interviewers via pre-defined sample subsets and flexible interviewer roles.
  • Web interface – Voxco’s browser-based survey editor minimizes access restrictions and ensures that our team is using modern programming languages.
  • Flexible calling rules – Define case priority, quotas, quota weighting, time slots, and call-back rules. Every rule works together to optimize efficiency.
  • Live field supervision – Monitor live project, interviewer and quota dashboards. Mirror interviewer screens & supervise remote interviewers.
  • Real-time survey changes – React to results by pushing questionnaire updates, quota smoothing rules, and calling rule modifications live at the push of a button.

Dual Frame Sample Methodology

Traditionally, telephone surveys have typically relied on landline telephone numbers.

However, with the increasing popularity and affordability of mobile phones, there has been a surge in households that do not have landline connections. Additionally, there has been a decline in the response rates and population coverage of landline telephone surveys, creating a challenge to collecting representative social data. This has been most spectacularly illustrated by the last federal election where none of the polling companies was able to accurately predict the outcome.

Results show that there are significant differences in estimates of populations’ characteristics when using information solely from the landline or mobile telephone sample. These biases in the population estimates are significantly reduced when data from the mobile and landline samples are combined and appropriate dual-frame survey estimators are used. The optimal choice of a dual-frame estimation strategy depends on the availability of good-quality information that can account for the differential patterns of non response and demographics.

Over 35% of households are now mobile only so TKW Research use a dual frame model to collect more representative data.

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